- “I’ve hurt my back and it will probably never improve.”
NOT TRUE Most people will improve relatively quickly from back pain. It can be anywhere from a few days to a few months depending on severity, attitude towards pain and anxiety and therefore prevention of movement. - “I have back pain so I should rest and not move”
NOT TRUE Pain does not always cause damage. often think if I rest and spend time in bed I will improve. Depending on the cause of the back pain, it is initially wise to rest. However after a few days it’s important to resume normal activities and movement as pain allows – this will ensure a faster recovery and return to normal. Resting for too long can actually worsen the problem and cause new weakness. - “The more back pain I have the more damage there is to my spine”
NOT TRUE pain is only a subjective measure. Some people are more tolerant of pain than others and consequently may feel less. Two people may have the same exact same injury/back pain and feel it in entirely different ways due to the brain and how it interprets ones pain. - “My back pain is due to something out of place”
NOT TRUE Out of place actually refers to the joints and means subluxation (partially out of place) or dislocation (fully out of place). When dislocation occurs, pain levels are extremely high and nothing will rectify the pain until a qualified professional, usually done in hospital, returns the joint to its correct place. The vast majority of pain that is improved by spinal manipulation is merely a result of freed movement and reduced sensitivity of the nervous system; nothing is actually being put back in place. - “I need an x-ray/further investigation for my back”
NOT TRUE The majority of back pain is actually easily assessed by simple clinical examinations by physiotherapists and similar professionals. Treatment is then based on these findings and only a small minority will need referring on.
At Physio Clinic London, we will assess and treat your back pain and give you the tools to prevent it worsening or returning. Call us on 07989237572 or e mail clinic@physiocliniclondon.com today.